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Parent Up Pittsburgh: September

Every Child, Inc.

Updated: Jan 15, 2021

Parent Up Pittsburgh presents “Teens, Tweens & Quarantines” on September 14th, 2020.

“Teens, Tweens & Quarantines” presented by Jon Mattlemanis a presentation for parents and caregivers, focusing on the impact of COVID-19 on youth.

In a dynamic fashion, this talk will address:

-the teen/tween brain

-explain why this pandemic is so difficult for this age group

-survey the process of loss

-discuss issues related to independence, autonomy, and privacy

-offer perspectives and suggestions that parents and caregivers can implement immediately

Students, parents and caregivers, and communities are preparing for the return to school, but this fall couldn't be more different. We continue to grapple with concerns around physical health and safety challenges and have seen the impact on mental health, social connections, and academics. Grief, loss, the rise in anxiety and depression, and ongoing uncertainty about the future impact how our children experience the return to school. "Teens, Tweens, and Quarantine" is a presentation for parents, caregivers, and community members, focusing on how we can support our children as they get back to school and manage ongoing. With his signature compassion and humor, counselor Jon Mattleman will provide attendees with context to the factors impacting this school year, highlighting the resilience we've all shown during this challenging time, and how we can use that to be a source of strength, stability, and support for the youth in our care. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and get concrete answers for practical steps they can take in real time—who has time to wait?

Jon Mattleman

New England Clinical Director

Creator of Teens, Tweens & Quarantines

Jon’s workshops and presentations are geared to give participants tools they can implement immediately, strategies that work with children and youth, and approaches which have proven to be critical to building healthy relationships. Jon frequently consults with schools, parent groups, mental health organizations, and in workplace settings regarding the issues of anxiety, stress, depression, suicide, parenting, and the emotional consequences of technology. Jon is best known for his talk “The Secret Life of Massachusetts Teens and Tweens” and has presented this to thousands of parents all over the east coast. Jon has appeared on numerous radio and television shows lending his expertise on anxiety, depression, suicide, teens, and parenting.

Read more about Jon on his website at Follow Jon on Twitter @jonmattleman or contact him at

Tickets are free! Reserve your tickets at

Stay tuned for more information! Be sure to follow along on our instagram and twitter, @parentuppgh

Read this post about our decision about moving online. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How much does a Parent Up ticket cost? The sessions are free! Thanks to generous donors, we are able to offer this series completely free to parents.

  • How do I join in to the session? The Every Child team will send the live link to the webinar before the event to the email you registered with. Some of our presenters have their own webinar software and you may receive an email from them (check your spam folders).

  • How do I watch a session? We recommend you join in on a laptop and use Google Chrome.

If you have any other questions, please contact us.

Thank you to our sponsors!



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Kenny Ross The Wilson Group

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